Friday, July 20, 2007

My older son

You know, B1? He's a Dwarf. That is, he has a Dwarvish way about him (which is ironic, since he's very tall for his age, and skinny). Case in point...
  1. He loves bridges, fences, any kind of construction
  2. He loves cranes, bulldozers, and steamrollers
  3. He loves mountains, caves, and volcanoes
  4. He loves the scraping sound a shovel makes
  5. He loves diamonds
  6. He loves seeing paved roads
  7. He once commented (when seeing some woods while on a hike): "They need to cut all these trees down and build a road."
  8. He's very stubborn
  9. He likes things to be Just So
  10. He has a long memory
  11. He loves building things
I'm sure there are more examples I'm forgetting, but Spousette and I are always amused by his Dwarvish ways. B2 has shown a fairly Dwarvish affinity for rocks lately -- he loves playing near rocks, checking them out. But we'll see if he's Dwarvish, or, perhaps, Gnomish. He's a scrapper, that's for sure.

As more examples occur, I'll try to remember to add them.

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