Thursday, June 28, 2007

Rain O'er Me

Yesterday, I got soaked on the ride home. I'd made it as far as Navy Pier before the ominous stormage nailed me. And it got me, alright! I was worn out after the ride home, since the rain added some drag, weighed me down that much more with water. But I made it, anyway.

Today, I've got to get through my workstack, and once again clue JTOC and Tsarina about my being gone next week on vacation, so they can continue to fail to plan accordingly. What a bunch of tools! But I'll have done my part. I told Postal to just let the work pile up if they fail to account for my absence, and I'll just deal with it on my return. Maybe my absence will demonstrate the value of my work. Hah. I got a ton of writing done this morning, and am very, very close to finishing the fantasy novel I'd jumped back into two or three weeks ago. Stoked about that, since it's a solid piece of work; I'm very happy with it, sure hope I can get the interest of some agents.

Tonight, most of the Lunch Bunch are gathering at a watering hole for some firewater-fueled frolic. That should be fun, the crew back together, since we all seem to enjoy each others' company. It'll be fun, a good way of breaking in the vacation.

Tomorrow, B1's got his summer daycamp in the morning, and we'll pack and get ready to go, and then make our trek to Ohio, first for a wedding on Saturday, and then going camping Sunday through Tuesday (and also visiting our alma mater, which is in the area). Then a 4th of July celebration, and then homeward-bound on the 5th.

1 comment:

Foxy Knitter said...

Sorry you got soaked in the rain...but at least you didn't get hit by lightning. *shudder*

I'm looking forward to tonight, too. The Lunch Bunch was a good group--may its legacy live forever!